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Based off of the popular Warmaster Fantasy rules, this version adds most armies from the Classical, Dark Ages, and Medieval periods. Each unit consists of three stands with a simple, but every effective command and control system that creates a unique level of chaos. Each army is led by a general and several leaders, plus a set number of units that must be in the army, leaving the remaining points up to the players to choose their forces. We use 10mm figures by Old Glory, Magistar Militum, Minifigs, Pendraken, and Kallistra. We find that WMA and WMM are fast playing, a lot of fun, and is certainly suitable for large groups where we occasionally use up to 2500 points per side. We currently have around a dozen armies and are looking to paint more as well as working on doing a campaign at some point.

WMA: Seleucids vs India


Indians Crush The Seleucids

After a short break it was back to Warmaster Ancients. While the Indians take a lot of grief in the gaming group, mainly because they are a nameless horde who is exceptionally average, they redeemed themselves this night! Fielding an impressive eight archer units along with 12 infantry units, they had a huge breakpoint of 14, which was much larger than the 11 of the Seleucids. The Seleucids advanced out quickly, but in a foreshadowing of what was to come, got their left flank crushed and on the right the Guard cavalry and Companions didn't do much better. The Seleucid pike tried to force the middle, but bad command rolls plagued both commanders and many units barely moved at all. This gave the Indian commanders a chance to advance relentlessly, destroying individual units who were caught out by themselves. In the end the Seleucids broke while the Indians had barely reached halfway to their break point. The only WMA game we've had so far where both sides did not get their elephants into a single combat!



The Friday Night Update is sponsored by Trenchworx.

Older Updates

AOE 09/21/20

BKCIV 09/08/20

Covid-19 update

BFE2 03/09/20

TSATF 02/24/20

WMA 02/20/20

BKC IV 01/27/20

BKCIV 12/16/19

WMA 11/04/19

WMA 10/21/19

AOR 09/09/19

BKC IV 08/12/19

Ronin 073019

WMA 070119

ACW 06/17/19

BKC4: 05/06/19

BKC2 03/25/19

Saga 03/11/19

WMA 02/11/19

Hail Caesar 11/19/18

WMA 11/05/18

BFE2: 10/22/18

BFE2 10/08/18

BKC2 09/10/18