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Battles For Empire II is an operational level set of rules for Victorian colonial battles. Each unit is represented by four stands (a company/squadron of Anglo-Egyptian troops or a native clan), which equates to a scale of around 1:25 per figure. The movement system is similar to Fire & Fury, but does a great job of simulating the unpredictable nature of the native attacks. The rules allow for large scale colonial actions instead of the usual skirmishes seen when gaming this period. We use 15mm figures on the 25mm basing sizes to give the game a more visual impact, but there are several basing options available.

15mm Early Sudan Campaigns


Operational Level Colonial Warfare

The early Sudan campaigns are definitely one of the most fascinating colonial conflicts. From the ill fated Hicks Expedition to the Desert and River columns trying to save Gordon in Khartoum, there are endless opportunities for gamers in this exciting era. Not only do you have the British regiments in their traditional red jackets, but also in grey and khaki as well, backed up by units of Camel Corps, Mounted Infantry, Naval Brigade, Indians, and gunboats. Add to this Egyptian, Sudanese, Bashi-Bazouks, irregulars, plus other troop types, and you have an unusual army for your games! The scenario possibilities are endless, from native attacks on advancing squares, river actions, relieving besieged outposts, building the railroad across the Sudan, protecting Suakin, and even trying to reach Gordon during the siege of Khartoum. The Sudan is also a great era to set up fictional battles using a wide variety of troops and situations.We use 15mm figures on 25mm bases to give the native units a more massed look, which should be essentiall for any colonial game. At this time we have quite a few native units, plenty of Egyptians and Sudanese, and are slowly working on building up the British forces for even larger games. We are planning on running a fictional early Sudan campaign shortly, plus a siege of a walled town game at some point as well. The period is fun, exciting, and easy to paint for.


Mahdist Wars Source BookThis two volume set from TVAG is the definitive work on the Sudan campaigns and a definite must have.
War on the Nile
Another must have is War on the Nile, which is a great overview of the Egyptian Revolt through the final Sudan campaign in 1898.
Fire & Sword in the Sudan
Fascinating look at the minor campaigns during the Mahdi's revolt.